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Old World Alliance



Qty Position MA ST AG PA AR Skills Primary Secondary Cost
0‑12 Old World Human Lineman 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ G A S 50K
0‑1 Old World Human Thrower 6 3 3+ 3+ 9+ • Animosity (Dwarfs and Halflings)
• Pass
• Sure Hands
G P A S 80K
0‑1 Old World Human Catcher 8 2 3+ 5+ 8+ • Animosity (Dwarfs and Halflings)
• Catch
• Dodge
A G S 65K
0‑1 Old World Dwarf Blitzer 5 3 3+ 4+ 10+ • Block
• Loner (3+)
• Thick Skull
G S A 80K
0‑2 Old World Dwarf Blocker 4 3 4+ 5+ 10+ • Arm Bar
• Brawler
• Loner (3+)
• Thick Skull
G S A 75K
0‑1 Old World Dwarf Runner 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ • Loner (3+)
• Sure Hands
• Thick Skull
G P A S 85K
0‑1 Old World Human Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ • Animosity (Dwarfs and Halflings)
• Block
G S A 90K
0‑1 Old World Dwarf Troll Slayer 5 3 4+ - 9+ • Block
• Dauntless
• Frenzy
• Loner (3+)
• Thick Skull
G S A 95K
0‑2 Old World Halfling Hopefuls 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ • Animosity (Dwarfs and Humans)
• Dodge
• Right Stuff
• Stunty
A G S 30K
0‑1 Ogre* 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ • Bone Head
• Loner (4+)
• Mighty Blow (+1)
• Thick Skull
• Throw Team-mate
S A G 140K
0‑1 Altern Forest Treeman* 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ • Loner (4+)
• Mighty Blow (+1)
• Stand Firm
• Strong Arm
• Take Root
• Thick Skull
• Throw Team-mate
• Timmm-ber!
S A G P 120K

*An Old World Alliance team may include a single Big Guy

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