Akhorne The Squirrel
80 K | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV |
7 | 1 | 2+ | -- | 6+ |
Akhorne may choose to re-roll the D6 when rolling for the Dauntless skill.
Special Rules
- Badlands Brawl
- Bribery and Corruption
- Worlds Edge Superleague
- Old World Classic
- Elven Kingdoms League
- Underworld Challenge
- Halfling Thimble Cup
- Lustrian Superleague
- Sylvanian Spotlight
- Masters of Undeath
- Low Cost Linemen
- Favoured of Nurgle
- Favoured of Khorne
- Favoured of Chaos Undivided
- Favoured of Slaanesh
- Favoured of Tzeentch