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Pitch Rules


Overgrown Jungle Blood Bowl Pitch

Chaos Chosen

Chaos Temple Blood Bowl Pitch

Chaos teams of all stripes – from the mighty Chosen, outcast Renegades, Daemons and others – often establish their home ground in one of the many abandoned Chaos temples found deep in the wildernesses of the Old World. When such teams take to the pitch, dark powers gather, the action and bloodshed that takes place within attracting the attention of the Dark Gods themselves.

Using the Chaos Temple Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the Chaos Blood Bowl pitch:

The dark side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. If, during the first half, a player on either team is removed as a Casualty for any reason, molten lava begins to bubble up around the fell icons and dark sigils. Should this happen, at half-time turn the pitch over so that the brightly lit side is showing. For the duration of the second half, the weather conditions will be 2 – Sweltering Heat, as the temperature rises and the conditions become more hellish.

Additionally, if the brightly lit side of the pitch is in use in the second half, the footing becomes more treacherous as daemonic entities grasp at the players’ feet. In order to successfully Rush, a player must roll 3+ rather than 2+.

When the brightly lit side of the pitch is in use, there is no need to roll for weather. These effects replace normal weather conditions for the duration of the second half, and if a 8 – Changing Weather result is rolled on the Kick-off Events table during the second half, the ball will simply scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing and bouncing with no other changes or effects.

If, however, no blood has been spilled on the pitch at all during the first half in the form of Casualties being caused for any reason, the Chaos gods are displeased! A strange hush falls across the arena as the fans become disquieted. Both teams reduce their Fan Factor by 1 for the remainder of the game.

Chaos Dwarf

Volcanic Lair Blood Bowl Pitch

Dark Elf

Dark Elf Corsair Blood Bowl Pitch

Dark Elves are notorious pirates and corsairs, their vessels prowling the high seas, hunting for ships to board and pillage. Many Dark Elf Blood Bowl teams travel the world in this fashion as well, sailing the oceans of the world to reach far flung tournaments and league fixtures, and partaking in some traditional Druchii piracy at the same time. Consequently, it is not uncommon for games to be played aboard the fine and fast vessels of the Naggaroth fleet...

Using the Dark Elf Corsair Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Dark Elf Corsair pitch has two sides – one representing the pitch aboard a Corsair vessel in calm, quiet seas, the other depicting it being attacked by a mighty creature of the deep and dragged beneath the waves! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

The calm side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. If during the first half either team scores one or more touchdowns, the roars of the crowd and crowd surfed casualties attract a mighty sea monster that rises from below the waves. The players, however, will play on; abandoning a game of Blood Bowl once it is underway is unheard of! For the duration of the second half, the following effects will apply:

As the doomed corsair vessel is gradually dragged beneath the waves, the playing surface becomes slick with water. Whenever a player recovers from being Prone, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, lying face down in the salty brine has done the player no good, and they remain Stunned for another turn.

Additionally, the tentacles of the curious sea monster will hamper footing considerably, as they explore the deck looking for prey. All players on both teams suffer a -1 penalty to their MA for the duration of the second half, to a minimum of 3, as they must pay extra attention to where they stand.


Subterranean Weather Table

If both players agree, they can use this table in place of the Weather table in the Blood Bowl rulebook for the duration of the match. It is ideal for representing matches played underground, whether in a well-maintained Dwarf stadium or the haphazard deathtrap that is a Skaven pitch. Any rules that refer to the Weather table (for example, the Changing Weather result on the Kick-off Event table) refer to this table if you're using it.

2D6 Result
2 Bubbling up from Below: The players are aghast as viscous liquid begins to seep up from below. Whether this is a natural phenomenon, the result of sabotage or a dire warning that stadia have no place being built above sewage pipes, it’s definitely not pleasant! All players on the pitch subtract 1 from their MA.
3 Gloomy: The torches are in need of replacing, and the shadows are growing long. All Long pass and Long bomb Pass actions suffer an additional -1 modifier. Additionally, when a player attempts to Rush for a second or subsequent time during their activation, apply an additional -1 modifier.
4‑10 Perfect Conditions (well, almost): The light of the sun might be missing, but the conditions are almost perfect for Blood Bowl.
11 Thermal Geysers: Vapour begins to whistle up from cracks in the ground, followed by forceful gouts of roiling steam. If a player on your team Falls Over or is Knocked Down, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, they crack open a thermal geyser. That player is immediately catapulted through the air. Immediately treat that player as being thrown (as if they had the Right Stuff trait) by another player (with the Throw Team-mate trait), and treat the quality of the throw as terrible.
12 Seismic Activity: “Uh oh… was that a tremor?” Roll a D6 at the end of each team turn, adding 1 to the result for each player on the pitch with a Strength of 5 or more. On a roll of 6+, rocks tumble down from up above. Both coaches roll-off. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. That player is struck by a falling rock and Knocked Down. If the roll-off results in a tie, do not roll again. Instead, both coaches must randomly select a player to be struck by a falling rock.

Elven Union

Frozen Pitch

These rules represent a pitch located in a region where the Winds of Magic blow so strongly, they affect the weather itself! As the arcane powers shift, the weather turns from pleasantly warm to freezing cold in the blink of an eye, the pitch crusting over with a thick layer of glistening ice within seconds. If both players agree, they can use the following rules in place of the Weather table that can be found in the Blood Bowl rulebook for the duration of the match.

The Elven Union pitch has two sides – one frozen over with magically summoned ice, the other enjoying perfect Blood Bowl weather. At the start of the match, randomise which side of the pitch is used with a flip of the Blood Bowl coin.

Whenever the rules call for a roll on the Weather table (for example, at the start of the game, each time a Changing Weather Kick-off result is rolled or any other effect, such as a Special Play card), instead of doing so roll a D6 at the end of each drive. On a result of 4, 5, or 6, flip the board to its other side before setting up for the next drive.

When the non-Frozen side of the pitch is in play, the magical poles are in alignment and the weather is counted as Perfect Conditions, as per the normal Blood Bowl Weather rules.

When the Frozen side is in play, the following rules are used: if a player moves more than six squares in a single action (including Rushing), they automatically move one additional square after their move has ended (this extra square still counts as part of their action). This must be in the same direction they were travelling when they moved into their final square. If this would move them into an occupied square, they are instead Knocked Down in the square they are currently in. Otherwise, after they have moved this extra square, make an Agility test with a -1 modifier, ignoring Tackle Zones. If the roll is failed, they are Placed Prone (no Armour roll is made); this is not a Turnover unless they are carrying the ball.


Mystical Forest Blood Bowl Pitch


Waterlogged Stadium Conditions

These rules represent a pitch with a bit of a drainage problem! If both players agree, they can use the following rules in place of the Weather table in the Blood Bowl rulebook for the duration of the match.

The Goblin pitch has two sides – one flooded, the other relatively dry. At the start of the match, the dry(ish) side of the board is used; there are no additional rules. Whenever the rules call for a roll on the Weather table (at the start of the game, and each time a Changing Weather Kick-off Event table result is rolled), roll on the table below instead.

2D6 Result
2‑5 Dazzling Sun: The sun has come out but it is dazzling the players, who had grown accustomed to the gloom. A -1 modifier applies to all Passing Ability tests.
6‑8 Light Drizzle: It’s raining, but not enough to affect the game. If the board is on its Dry side, roll a D6 at the end of each drive. On a result of 5 or 6, flip the board to the Flooded side before setting up for the next drive.
9‑12 Brisk Downpour: The heavens have opened! A -1 modifier applies to all attempts to Catch, Intercept or Pick-up the ball. In addition, if the board is currently on its Dry side, roll a D6 at the end of each drive. On a result of 3 or more, flip the board to the Flooded side before setting up for the next drive.

If the board is flipped to its Flooded side, the following rules are in play for the remainder of the game:

  • If a player is Knocked Down while Rushing or Dodging, subtract 1 from the result of the Armour roll.
  • In addition, whenever a player recovers from being Stunned, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, lying face-down in the water has done them no favours, and they remain Stunned for another turn.


Halfling Rural Idyll Pitch

Many Halfling tournaments are held in temporary stadia – although the name ‘stadium’ is rather grand for a makeshift pitch marked out with whitewash in a farmer’s field only recently vacated of sheep and surrounded by rickety bleachers. But to the Halflings of the Moot, these temporary temples to Nuffle rise from the countryside like towering monuments to their beloved sport. For the duration of these glorious tournaments, the picturesque villages and hamlets become bustling metropolises; numerous eateries and bars springing up in marquees, tented towns covering the rolling vales and fairground attractions dotting the countryside.

Using the Rural Idyll Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Halfling Rural Idyll pitch has two sides – one representing the picturesque pitch at the start of the game, the other depicting it after much half-time banqueting and celebration! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

The green and daisy-speckled side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. This pitch is little more than a rectangle of grass with a couple of roughly divided into two halves, and the End Zones marked out with nothing but lines drawn into the grass. When the kicking team places the ball to drive, they may choose to treat their Line of Scrimmage as being on their own Line of Scrimmage, or one row of squares further back into their own half or one row of squares into the other team’s half. This creates a temporary half-way line for this kick-off which the receiving team must attempt to clear with their players, and which is used for the purposes of awarding a touchback.

During half-time, fans stream onto the pitch, raiding the concession stands and generally making a mess of things. By the time the second half begins, the pitch has deteriorated and things get even worse! During the second half of the game, treat all players who enter Wide Zone during set-up does not apply to their team. Additionally, all players suffer a -1 penalty to their MA for the remainder of the game, to a minimum of 4 (most players, or to a If a Player has the Sprint skill.)


Altar of Khorne Blood Bowl Pitch


Lustrian Temple Blood Bowl Pitch

Many Blood Bowl Lizardmen stadia are established within temples to the Old Ones, while others are sited in ancient and long-abandoned jungle ruins. Such locations make ideal Blood Bowl venues, though there is always the danger that the roar of the crowd and the violence of the action will awaken ancient powers and forgotten magics!

Using the Lustrian Temple Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Lustrian Temple pitch has two sides – one representing a pitch built within a long-derelict and forgotten temple, the other depicting that same temple as it comes alive with the power of the Old Ones, as bubbling lava flows from the world’s core along mystical channels, illuminating ancient glyphs and pictograms of unknowable significance! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent these unusual conditions:

The Lustrian Temple Blood Bowl pitch is ancient, built from astrogranite rather than soft turf. Such unforgiving material is rarely used in the Old World due to the injuries it causes but, in Lustria, a bit of bloodshed is considered pleasing to Nuffle! For the duration of the game, whenever a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll.

Additionally, the dormant side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. If during the first half either team scores one or more touchdowns, the roars of the crowd cause the ancient power of the temple to awaken. At half-time turn the pitch over. For the duration of the second half, the following effects will apply:

As the stadium gradually fills with lava, the already tropical heat increases to unbearable levels. At the start of the second half, do not roll on the Kick-off Event table. Instead, treat the result as having been 8 – Changing Weather and, rather than making a new roll on the Weather table, apply the effects of 2 – Sweltering Heat for the remainder of the match.

Necromantic Horror

Necromantic Horror Nightmare Blood Bowl Pitch


Frozen Lake Blood Bowl Pitch


Nurgle’s Garden Blood Bowl Pitch

Grandfather Nurgle is a god of fecundity. Wherever his followers travel, a gruesome flourishing of fresh life follows; be it squirming maggoty worms and buzzing clouds of flies, or the vigorous growth of strange flora from the swelling earth. Stadia dedicated to Nurgle are particularly worrisome, for even as the walls and stands rot and decay, the sacred pitch writhes with life, the soil churning and bubbling as peculiar vegetation bursts forth before rotting away in a moment, consumed by tiny creatures that themselves live for mere moments before expiring to feed fresh plant growth.

Using the Nurgle’s Garden Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Nurgle’s Garden pitch has two sides – one representing the pitch in a hibernating and sedate state, the other far more vigorous as strange flora and fauna burst forth! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

The Hibernating Garden side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. If, during the first half, a player on either team is removed as a Casualty for any reason, maggoty worms and bloated plants awaken and burst from the loamy earth. Should this happen, at half time, turn the pitch over to the Blooming Garden side. For the duration of the second half, there is no need to roll for Weather; the weather conditions effect will be 11 (Pouring Rain), due to the millions of maggots that erupt from the earth, covering the ball and making it harder to handle.

Additionally, if the Blooming Garden side of the pitch is in use in the second half, the footing becomes more treacherous as daemonic plants appear to consume the players’ feet. As a result, if a player attempts to move seven squares or more, they must roll a D6 for each square after the sixth. On a roll of a 1, they are Falls Over in the square they were moving into, exactly as if they had failed to Rush.

If an 8 (Changing Weather) result is rolled on the Kick-off Event Table at any time during the second half, the ball will simply scatter one extra square in a random direction before landing and bouncing with no further changes or effects.


Ogre Mega-Maul Blood Bowl Pitch

The lands of the Ogres lie far to the east, in a region of desolate desert and magnificent mountains. The stadia of this inhospitable realm are rough and ready places carved from the very rock of the foothills. It is here that the Mega-Maul League takes place all year round and for the hardy Ogres, the harsh climate is itself a feature of their fixtures. In the blink of an eye, the weather can change; thick blizzards descend from the mountain peaks, burying the pitch markings and freezing hot springs in a heartbeat.

Using the Ogre Mega-Maul Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Ogre Mega-Maul pitch has two sides – one depicting the pitch in fair weather, as cold winds blow from the mountains, chilling the high altitude deserts and rocky foothills. The other side depicts the pitch in the grip of a sudden, freezing blizzard! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

The desert side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game, subjecting the players to the blinding light of the sun and the savage bite of the chill winds. At the start of the game, do not roll on the Weather table. Instead, at the start of the second half, the following weather conditions will be in effect for the duration of the half:

Strong Winds: Immediately roll on the Random Direction template to determine the direction of the wind for the duration of the result. During kick-offs and inaccurate passes, the ball scatters D3 squares in this direction before normal scatter rolls are made.

If a Changing Weather result is rolled during any kick-off, do not roll on the Weather table. Instead, the weather changes with the following effects – the game moves to the Sudden Blizzard side.

Sudden Blizzard: Visibility is low, it’s slippery underfoot and it’s impossible to spot tripping hazards, making it very difficult indeed to block effectively. If a player makes a Blitz action, their ST is reduced by 1 down to a minimum of 1. Additionally, whenever a player is Knocked Down, add 1 to the result of the Armour roll.

Should another Changing Weather result be rolled, roll as normal on the Weather table.

Shambling Undead

Shambling Undead Graveyard Blood Bowl Pitch

Many Shambling Undead teams set up home in graveyards the length and breadth of the Old World. Necromancers like the company of the dead, so it is only natural that they are attracted to such places, not to mention the ready source of reserve players that can be found with the simple turn of a shovel. For this reason, many an Undead team prefers to play its fixtures under moonlight, refusing to come onto the pitch for the kick-off until after the sun has begun to set, making for a truly spooky experience for visiting teams!

Using the Shambling Undead Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Shambling Undead graveyard pitch has two sides – one representing the pitch at dusk, the other depicting it once the sun has fully set. As dark magics grow more powerful and softly illuminate the night, the spirits of the home fans begin to manifest! If both players agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

The dusk side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. At half-time, once the dark of night has set in, the pitch is flipped over. The night side, with its unearthly glow, is far more spectral and reveals strange effects on the minds of the living players. For the duration of the second half, the following effects will apply:

  • The presence of ghostly spirits manifesting from the graves and flooding into the rickety stands invigorates any Shambling Undead team playing on this pitch. A Shambling Undead team playing on this pitch gains +1 Fan Factor for the duration of the second half.

  • Additionally, as darkness falls and an eerie mist rises about the players’ feet, visibility becomes poor for everyone. For the duration of this half, only Quick pass and Short pass actions can be attempted.


Subterranean Weather Table


Snotling Fungal Bog Blood Bowl Pitch

The pitches that Snotling teams use as their home grounds resemble more of a bog than a usable Blood Bowl pitch; something that can normally be attributed to the fact that Snotling teams win very few games and earn little gold to improve their facilities. This makes games played on these festering quagmires particularly treacherous, for the thick marsh that makes up the pitch can cause even the most sure-footed runner to become bogged down, while the fungi that litter the playing surface are prone to expelling clouds of choking spores at seemingly random moments...

Using the Snotling Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Snotling pitch has two sides – one depicting it in fair weather; though it is fair to say it is more of a bog than a pitch! The other side depicts it when the fungi that litter the ground unleash spores into the air. If both players agree, the following can be used to represent the unusual conditions:

Fungal Bloom: Do not roll on the Weather table at the start of the game; instead the game starts with Perfect Conditions. Whenever the rules call for a roll on the Weather table (for example, at the start of the game, each time a Changing Weather Kick-off result is rolled or any other effect, such as a Special Play card), do not roll on the Weather table. Instead, flip the pitch over to the Choking Spores side.

Choking Spores: A cloud of choking spores has erupted from the fungi on the pitch, making it hard to breathe and potentially forcing some players to leave the pitch to catch their breath.

At the start of each team’s drive when this rule is in effect, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, randomly select a player from the active team without the ball. That player is forced to leave the pitch and is placed in the Reserves box. This does not cause a Turnover.
Should another Changing Weather result be rolled, roll as normal on the Weather table.

Additionally, to represent the boggy state of the pitch and the fact that players’ footing will be tested, the following rule is in play during games played on the Snotling pitch:

Snotling Bog: Whenever a player suffers the Push Back result from a Block action or Blitz action, roll a D6. On a 1, the player loses their footing and falls – treat the result as POW! instead.


Vampire Castle Blood Bowl Pitch

Wood Elves

Wood Elf Arboreal Sanctuary Blood Bowl Pitch

A Wood Elf stadium is a carefully maintained sanctuary, a picturesque reserve for trees, woodland spirits and the noble art of Blood Bowl. Time works strangely in the forest of the Wood Elves, and the surrounding trees change season rapidly in response to the unfolding game. At times the pitch is verdant and green, roots furiously burrowing their way across the pitch, eager to absorb the blood spilt upon it, while players find themselves re-energised by the abundance of life. When its aggression is sated, the forest calms and falls into the peaceful lull of autumn, woodland spirits emerging to soothe wounds and assuage choleric fans.

Using the Arboreal Sanctuary Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games

The Arboreal Sanctuary pitch has two sides – one representing the bold energy of summer, the other depicting the calm of autumn as woodland spirits emerge from their homes singing soothing melodies. If both players agree then the following rules can be used to represent these unusual conditions:

The green-tree and vibrant side of the pitch is used during the first half of the game. This pitch represents the forest in summer bursting into life, its trees invigorated by the energy of the game. All players may attempt to Rush one more time than normal (three times for most players, and four if a player has the Sprint skill). If during the first half, three or more Casualties have been suffered in total across both teams, the forest’s aggression has been sated and the season changes. For the duration of the second half of the game, the following rules apply:

As the forest shifts its mood to one of peace and goodwill, players find themselves less willing to injure their opponents. Subtract 1 from all Armour rolls as part of a Block or Foul action. In addition, add 1 to the result of all dice rolls made to see whether a player recovers from being KO’d, as woodland spirits emerge from their tree hollows to care for the injured.