Spike! Journal 18
Chaos Dwarf Wasteland Leagues 'Fanning The Flames!'
The Chaos Dwarfs have never been shy of running their own, independent competitions; their time in exile from organised Blood Bowl forcing them to adapt to life without an official governing body. However, since their return to the limelight, the denizens of Zharr-Naggrund have been responsible for running some of the most competitive and lucrative events in the sport. It is during these tournaments that the Chaos Dwarfs showcase their brutally effective playstyle, wowing fans with their mastery of the bloodier side of Blood Bowl.
Here at Spike! Journal, we pride ourselves on showcasing the most action packed Blood Bowl news we can find. So, we sent out reporters to the ash-covered wastes of the Dark Lands in the hopes of finding some gold-standard games or, at the very least, some violent gridiron-based action!
This is a variation on a standard Blood Bowl league season, as described in the Blood Bowl rulebook. How the league itself is organised – number of teams, how many divisions there are, how many rounds are played and so forth – should all be decided upon by the league commissioner based upon how many coaches wish to take part and what is best for everyone participating. The Dark Lands Derby differs from a normal season, however, in a few key aspects.
Open to All
The Dark Lands Derby is open to all comers. Coaches participating may use any team they wish and will have the usual budget of 1,000,000 gold pieces to spend to recruit their team for the season ahead.
Down and Dirty
Chaos Dwarf teams are no strangers to a little underhanded play – in fact, many Chaos Dwarf fans will come away from games disappointed if the number of fouls performed doesn't hit double figures. This love for dirty tricks seems to rub off on everyone in attendance at the Dark Lands Derby; by-the-book officials are suddenly more lenient and players who previously would help a downed opponent to their feet after a drive suddenly discover the thrill of sticking the boot in, all the while the fans cheer at the roar of chainsaws and rumble of secret weapons.
For the duration of the Dark Lands Derby, coaches apply a +1 modifier when rolling on the Argue the Call table (a natural 1 still results in "You're Outta Here!" as normal). Additionally, whenever a player causes a Casualty with a Foul action, that player earns 2 SPP exactly as if they had caused a Casualty by performing a Block action.
All Inducements should be allowed in the Dark Lands Derby. Additionally, if the league commissioner wishes, the following new Inducement may be added:
0-1 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer
(150,000 Gold Pieces) Available To Any Team
Once per game, a Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer may cast one of the two spells listed below at the end of either player's team turn, before the next one begins:
Brimstone Barrage: A volley of burning brimstone sails towards the field, bludgeoning and scorching those in their path!
Target up to two standing opposition players anywhere on the pitch and roll a D6 for each selected player. On a 5+, the selected player is Knocked Down. When a player is Knocked Down by a Brimstone Barrage, apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll.
Stone Boots: Target any opposition player that is not holding the ball and roll a D6:
On a 3+, the selected player reduces their Movement Allowance by 2 and suffers an additional -1 modifier to their Agility tests when attempting to Dodge, Jump or Leap. This effect lasts until the end of the current drive.
On a 1 or 2, the player's footwork is too fancy and they manage to avoid the petrifying effects of the spell.
Many Glorious Prizes!
Teams that manage to win a league in the despicable Dark Lands are well compensated with gems, precious metals and coin aplenty. The top placed teams of The Dark Lands Derby are rewarded as follows:
Glittering Prizes: As usual, the teams that finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd receive gold pieces as described in the Blood Bowl rulebook.
The Obsidian Ziggurat Trophy: In addition to their cash prize, the winner will receive the opulent Obsidian Ziggurat Trophy. This enormous, gem-encrusted monolith is one of the largest trophies in Blood Bowl – its glittering form visible from across the stadium, reminding its keepers of just what they can accomplish when they knuckle down and play their best! The team that holds the Obsidian Ziggurat Trophy gains the following ability:
At the beginning of each half, gain one additional team re-roll.
2D6 | RESULT |
2 | Ash Cloud: A thick cloud of grey ash has washed over the field and killed the visibility! Players may not perform Pass actions. Players will not be Sent-off for rolling a double when performing a Foul action. Even an honest referee would struggle to see underhanded play in these conditions! |
3 | Volcanic Fallout: The local volcano has started spitting flaming rocks from its summit, forcing players to keep an eye on the burning projectiles as well as their opponents! At the end of every team turn, roll a D6. On a 1, a randomly selected player on the active team is bludgeoned by a falling rock and is immediately Knocked Down. |
4‑10 | Calm and Clear: The Dark Lands appear to have pressed pause on its seismic activity and volatile weather, creating perfect conditions for Blood Bowl! |
11 | Choking Smog: The industrial mining operations of the Chaos Dwarfs have massively reduced the already poor air quality in the region, making breathing even more difficult. While this weather condition is in effect, players may not Rush. |
12 | Tectonic Tremors: Local seismic activity is causing the ground to rumble and shake, making footing treacherous at best. At the end of every team turn, roll a D6 for each Standing player on the active team currently on the pitch. On a 1, that player loses their balance and is Placed Prone. |
The Dark Lands Kick-Off Event
2D6 | RESULT |
2 | Unobservant Officials: With the referee's attention elsewhere during kick-off, a couple of Hobgoblins make a bid for glory and charge onto the gridiron! Both coaches immediately gain a Hobgoblin Lineman for the duration of the drive. This can mean that teams have more than 11 players on the pitch for this drive. These Hobgoblin Linemen can be placed anywhere in their team's half, but not in either of the Wide Zones. At the end of the drive, remove the Hobgoblin Linemen from play as the referee ejects them from the game. |
3 | Boiling Geyser: The liquid within this geyser has been heated to boiling point and periodically blasts scalding hot water across the field! Both coaches roll a D6. The coaches who rolls the lowest, or both coaches in the case of a tie, randomly selects one of their players from among those on the field and immediately makes an Armour roll (and subsequent Injury roll, if necessary) against them, as they are showered in boiling water! |
4 | Lava Pools: A flare in seismic activity has caused lava to bubble up through a number of cracks in the field – yet another reason not to hit the dirt! Until the end of the drive, whenever a player is Knocked Down, apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll. |
5 | High Kick: Apply the High Kick result as normal. |
6 | Cheering Fans: Apply the Cheering Fans result as normal. |
7 | Brilliant Coaching: Apply the Brilliant Coaching result as normal. |
8 | Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Ash Wasteland Weather Table and apply that result. If the result is 'Calm and Clear' as a result of the roll, the ball will scatter before landing. |
9 | Quick Snap: Apply the Quick Snap result as normal. |
10 | Sudden Fissure: A huge crack in the earth suddenly appears down the centre of the field, temporarily separating the two teams as the drive begins! Players that are set up on the Line of Scrimmage are pushed into the square directly behind them. If there is another player in the square they are being pushed to, that player is also pushed into the square directly behind them, and so on. |
11 | Hobgoblin Mischief: Hobgoblins are always up to no good, especially when they are trying to sneak into the team's dugouts! Roll a D6 for each player in both teams' Knocked-out box. On a 3+, nothing happens. On a 1 or 2, the player is immediately placed in the Casualty box and may take no further part in the game. |
12 | Violent Vibrations: The residents of the Dark Lands are no strangers to earthquakes, but every now and then there are some so powerful they shake the foundation of Zharr-Naggrund! The kicking team's coach rolls a D3. That many randomly selected players on each team are immediately Placed Prone. |
Volcanic Lair Blood Bowl Pitch
Chaos Dwarfs are well-known for their love of arid heat, being underground and Blood Bowl. That is why volcanoes make for such popular locations for the Chaos Dwarf teams to build their grand stadiums – carving the stands from the stone walls, redirecting bubbling lava flows towards the outskirts of the field to create atmospheric lighting and constructing large iron monuments to honour both Hashut and Nuffle. The only downside of choosing an active volcano as a stadium is ensuring that there is a strict evacuation procedure in place to protect the fans, should the molten pinnacle decide to erupt mid-match!
Using the Volcanic Lair Pitch in Your Blood Bowl Games
The Volcanic Lair Pitch has two sides – one depicting a swelteringly hot cavern inside of an active volcano. The other side shows the same cavern as the volcano begins to erupt, causing lava to flow onto the field and noxious gas to hang in the air! If both coaches agree, the following rules can be used to represent the unusual pitch conditions:
Oppressive Heat: The dry air and stifling temperature have quickly exhausted the players charging around on the gridiron, making post-beatdown recovery much more difficult than usual. Players will recover from being Knocked-out on a roll of 5+ rather than 4+, as the players struggle to regain their senses in the brutal temperatures.
Additionally, at the end of the first half, flip the board over onto the Eruption! side as the volcano begins flooding the field with molten lava and thick clouds of toxic smoke.
Eruption!: Thick sulphurous gas begins to fill the chamber as magma bubbles forth from deep beneath the earth, causing lava to collect on the field. Players attempting to Rush suffer a -1 penalty to the roll as they inhale poisonous volcanic gases.
Additionally, there are four, three square by three square areas on the pitch, two in each half. When playing a game on the Eruption! side of the Volcanic Lair Pitch, any squares in these areas are considered Lava Pool squares.
Whenever a player is Knocked Down or Falls Over in a Lava Pool square, apply a +1 modifier to the Armour roll and subsequent Injury roll if necessary.
Chaos Dwarf Balls
Curse of Stone Ball
A player with a Curse of Stone Ball reduces their MA by 1 and applies a -1 modifier to any Agility tests they take while they are in possession of a Curse of Stone Ball, as their flesh begins to turn to stone!
Hot Rock Ball
If a player that started their activation with a Hot Rock Ball ends their activation still in possession of it, roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, the ball is dropped, bouncing from the square occupied by the player who was holding the ball. This will not cause a Turnover. On a 3+, the player manages to keep hold of the ball despite being covered in burns!