Cheat Sheet
The pre-game sequence consists of the following sequence of steps:
Coin Toss
Take on Journeymen
Deploy Players
After a league fixture, both coaches should run through the full post-game sequence step by step. In exhibition play, the post-game sequence need not be completed.
Record Outcome and Winnings
Player Advancement
Hiring, Firing and Temporarily Retiring
Prepare for Next Fixture
A Turnover is caused:
If a player on the active team Falls Over during their own activation.
If a player on the active team is Knocked Down during their team turn.
If a player on the active team that is in possession of the ball is Placed Prone during their team turn.
If a player on the active team attempts to pick up the ball from the ground and fails, even if the bouncing ball is then caught by a player from the active team.
If a player on the active team fumbles a Pass action, even if the bouncing ball is then caught by a player from the active team.
If no player on the active team catches the ball after a Pass action or a Hand-off action and the ball comes to rest on the ground or in the possession of a player from the opposition team.
If a Pass action is Deflected or Intercepted and the ball comes to rest either on the ground or in the possession of a player from the opposition team.
If a player on the active team that is in possession of the ball is thrown by a team-mate and either fails to land safely, or is eaten, even if the bouncing ball is then caught by a player from the active team.
If a player on the active team is Sent-off by the referee for committing a Foul.
A player that steps on, or is pushed into, a Portal rolls a D6; the player is teleported to the Portal with the corresponding number.
A player teleported as the result of a Move action, must spend a square of Movement to carry on with their activation. A player teleported more than once during any team turn will immediately suffer an Injury roll.
If a player is teleported into the same square as another player, it will result in a Chain Reaction. The player that was originally occupying the Portal will be teleported to another Portal - which may result in another Chain Reaction.
A player that rolls the same number as the Portal they are being teleported from is removed from the dungeon and will take no further part in the game.
Once per turn, a coach may teleport a single player from their dugout into the dungeon, in the same manner as if they had entered a Portal, with the exception that they may not move further that turn. The team that has the first turn cannot teleport a player in on their first team turn.
A player that finishes a Move action (but not as part of a Blitz action) in a square adjacent to a Chest, and is not Marked, may open the Chest.
If the Chest contains the ball, the player immediately gains possession and their activation ends immediately.
If the Chest is empty, all players adjacent to the Chest are immediately Knocked Down and an Armour roll is made for each of them.
During your team turn, you may activate each Standing and/or Prone player to perform one action available to them, but you are not obliged to activate every player. Players that begin their team turn Stunned cannot be activated.
The most basic action. Any player on the active team that is not Stunned can perform a simple Move action. Movement is covered in more detail on page 36 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, a player on the active team may attempt to pass the ball to another square, as described on page 40 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, a player on the active team may attempt to hand the ball off to another Standing player from their team that is in an adjacent square, as described on page 43 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, instead of performing an ordinary Pass action, a player on the active team with the 'Throw Team-mate' trait may attempt to throw a player from their team that has the 'Right Stuff trait. A team may not perform both a Pass action and a Throw Team-mate action during the same team turn. Throwing team-mates is covered in more detail on page 44 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
A Standing player on the active team can target a Standing opposition player that is within their Tackle Zone with a Block action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action), but cannot move before or after performing the action. Blocking is covered in more detail on page 47 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, a player on the active team may perform a Blitz action, an action that combines together both a Move action and a Block action (or a Special action granted by a Skill or Trait that can be performed instead of a Block action) - the target of which must be nominated when the player is activated, before they have moved. When a player performs a Blitz action, they may move as normal. However, performing the Block action costs a Blitzing player one square of their Movement Allowance. The player may move both before and after performing the Block action if they wish, and may follow-up if the target of the Block action is pushed back. Movement is covered on page 36 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook and Blocking is covered on page 47.
Once per team turn, a player on the active team may commit a Foul action. Fouling is covered in more detail on page 54 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
In addition to these seven main actions, there are numerous Skills and Traits a player may possess that allow them to perform another, unique action. One example is Hypnotic Gaze, which allows a player to transfix an opponent, causing them to temporarily lose their Tackle Zone so that they cannot Mark other players.
Such actions are called 'Special actions' and are detailed in the appropriate Skill or Trait description. A full list of Skills, Traits and descriptions of how they work can be found on page 62 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, a player on the active team may perform a Pass action in order to pass the ball to another square as described on page 40 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
MEASURE RANGE AND DECLARE TARGET SQUARE: The range ruler is used to measure the range to any possible target squares, before the target square is chosen and declared.
TEST FOR ACCURACY: The coach of the player performing the action rolls a D6 to determine the accuracy of the pass.
PASSING INTERFERENCE: Unless the pass was fumbled, one opposition player may be able to attempt to interfere with the pass, hoping to 'Deflect' or 'Intercept' it.
RESOLVE PASS ACTION: If the pass was neither fumbled nor interfered with, the pass itself is resolved!
A player that declares a Pass action may also declare that they will bounce the ball off the wall instead of passing normally as on page 43 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Once per team turn, instead of performing a Pass action, a player on the active team with the 'Throw Team-mate' trait can attempt to throw a team-mate with the 'Right Stuff' trait as if they were a ball as described on page 44 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
The range ruler may be used to determine the range between the throwing player and any possible target squares, before the target square is chosen and declared.
The coach of the player performing the action rolls a D6 to determine the quality of the throw.
Where the thrown player lands, and how easily, depends upon the quality of the throw. If the throw is fumbled, the thrown player is dropped and will bounce.
When a Standing player is activated, they can immediately nominate a single Standing opposition player that they are currently Marking and declare that they will target them with a Block action. Unlike other actions, there is no limit to how many players may perform a Block action each team turn.
When an active player performs a Block action, the first thing to do is to compare the Strength characteristic of both players, including any modifiers.
If both players have the same Strength characteristic, after modification, one block dice is rolled.
If one player has a higher Strength characteristic, after modification, a pool of two block dice is rolled and the coach of the stronger player selects which result to apply.
If one player has a Strength characteristic that is more than double that of their opponent, after modification, a pool of three block dice is rolled and the coach of the stronger player selects which result to apply.
There are two types of assist that can be counted: 'offensive' and 'defensive', as described on page 48 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
Each offensive assist counted modifies the Strength characteristic of the player performing the Block action by +1.
Each defensive assist counted modifies the Strength characteristic of the player that is the target of the Block action by +1.
Block dice feature five icons, each representing an outcome. Some of these outcomes can be modified by Skills or Traits possessed by one or both players:
The active player is immediately Knocked Down by the player they were attempting to block!
Both the active player and the target of the Block action are Knocked Down by one another.
If one of the players has the Block skill, they may choose to ignore this result and not be Knocked Down.
The target of the Block action is pushed back one square by the active player. The active player may follow-up into the square vacated.
If the target of the Block action has the Dodge skill, this result becomes a Push Back. Otherwise, this result becomes a POW!, as described below.
The target of the Block action is pushed back by the active player and is then Knocked Down in the square they have been moved into. The active player may follow up into the square vacated.
Whenever one player is Knocked Down by another, they become Prone and risk injury. When a player is Knocked Down or Falls Over, the coach of the opposition team will make an Armour roll against that player.
Note that when a player is Placed Prone, perhaps having wrestled an opponent to the ground, there is no risk of injury and no Armour roll is made against them.
An Armour roll is made as described on page 15 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook, by the coach of the opposition team. If the player's armour is 'broken', an Injury roll is made. If their armour is not broken, it protects them from harm.
Whenever a player's armour is broken, an Injury roll is made against them. The coach of the opposing team rolls 2D6 and consults the table below:
2D6 | RESULT |
2‑7 | Stunned: The player immediately becomes Stunned, as described on page 13 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook, and is laid face-down in the dungeon. |
8‑9 | KO'd: The player is immediately removed from play and placed in the Knocked-out box of their team dugout. |
10+ | Casualty! The player becomes a casualty and is immediately removed from play and placed in the Casualty box of their team dugout. The coach of the opposition team immediately makes a Casualty roll against the player. |
2D6 | RESULT |
2‑6 | Stunned: The player immediately becomes Stunned, as described on page 13 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook, and is laid face-down in the dungeon. |
7‑8 | KO'd: The player is immediately removed from play and placed in the Knocked-out box of their team dugout. |
9 | Badly Hurt: The player becomes a casualty and is immediately removed from play and placed in the Casualty box of their team dugout. No Casualty roll is made. Instead, a Badly Hurt result is automatically applied against them. |
10+ | Casualty: The player becomes a casualty and is immediately removed from play and placed in the Casualty box of their team dugout. The coach of the opposing team immediately makes a Casualty roll against the player. |
1‑6 | Badly Hurt: The player misses the rest of this game but suffers no long-term effect (MNG). |
7‑9 | Seriously Hurt: Nl and MNG. |
10‑12 | Serious Injury: Characteristic reduction and MNG. |
13‑14 | Lasting Injury: Characteristic reduction and MNG. |
15‑16 | DEAD: This player is far too dead to play Dungeon Bowl! |
The player misses the rest of this game, but will need more time to recuperate. In league play, the player is not available to play in the team's next game.
Make a note on the Team Draft list that this player has picked up a Niggling Injury. There is a +1 modifier applied to all future rolls made against this player on the Casualty table per Niggling Injury they have.
The player has one of their characteristics reduced by 1. To determine which, roll a D6 on the table below.
Note, however, that no characteristic can ever be reduced below the minimum value shown on page 14 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.
1‑2 | Head Injury | -1 AV |
3 | Smashed Knee | -1 MA |
4 | Broken Arm | -1 PA |
5 | Neck Injury | -1 AG |
6 | Dislocated Shoulder | -1 ST |
This player is dead! Dead players are dismissed from the team during Step 1 of the post-game sequence, as described on page 57 of the Dungeon Bowl rulebook.